Simplifying your sun protection routine.

Elevated fabrics, thoughtful details, and comfortable, flattering styles.

Sun protection made easy-- all our styles blocks at least 96% of UV rays -- the kind of rays that damage your skin.

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What better gift than the gift of skin health to your friends and family?

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Why use UPF?

UPF clothing shields against harmful UV rays, protecting your skin from sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. Unlike regular fabrics, it is specifically designed to block UV radiation while remaining lightweight and breathable.

Why sun protection attire?

  • Sun protection clothing is used to absorb or block UV radiation, protecting your skin from sun damage.

    Skin Cancer Foundation

  • Common chemicals used in many types of sunscreens threaten corals and other marine life.

    US National Ocean Service

Sun damage happens year-round to everyone.

UVA and UVB rays can reach the Earth's surface even on a cloudy day and contribute to sunburns, skin cancer, and skin aging of all skin tones and shades.